Thursday, March 19, 2009

Meredith Grey: Still A Whore

seriously she's going to need her stomach pumped some day.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

We're back?

Okay, first off. Let me apologize for our lack of updates. It has been a busy few weeks, with school and work and lives. There will be more blogging in the near future, hopefully before Thursday's episode we'll have a recap/pro's and con's list up.

but for now, lets stick to the usual Izzie/Katherine Heigl bashing.

Granny panties. A fashion DON'T.


I guess our little diva friend Katherine forgot one rule of being a diva. Being attractive. She loses any points that she may have had in the 'sexual appeal' category just for wearing the same underwear as my 89 year old grandmother.

And she wondered why Alex couldn't get it up when he was with her... jeez.